
february 14

Miller turned 1 today!

a person who used to think Valentine's is over-rated and is being taken advantage of by candy shops and florists who use feb 14 as an excuse to extort money from innocent people.

since she joined the family business three years ago, her viewpoint totally changed when she, her mom, and sister began receiving bouquets from the most precious man in their lives :D

who can resist?

what's your Isaac?

my laptop is my isaac.

many times, it has been asked of me, yet i held on to it as if my entire life depended on it, unlike abraham, who easily gave up his son Isaac--he whom Abraham prayed for and waited 25 years to receive and he whom the Lord's promise of inheritance depended upon.

come to think of it, i've become too attached to it that it has become the center of my life! the time i spend in front of the computer is more than the time i should be spending in prayer or bible-reading. i log on at the office. and i log on when i get home. i can spend hours and hours surfing the net, overloading my soul and brain with un-useful information, and i don't even mind!

i vividly remember one stormy July afternoon when most of our office staff have gone home. Date and i stayed awhile when we heard a crackling sound. the powersupply sparked and the electricity has become unstable. fearing the spark might cause a fire, the first thing my sister grabbed was Miller, while i ran towards the table to snatch my laptop. all the time, leaving the day's collection untouched and in plain sight.

at hindsight, it's pathetic to realize where my heart was. is.

i've become too attached to it that God's telling me it's time to detach. time to de-centralize. and put back the center of my focus to the One whom it rightfully belongs. i know i've written this previously, but i seem to be not learning my lesson.

God is a jealous God. and He doesn't want anything in the way of our love for Him. idolatry comes in many forms-- and many times, not in the form we expect it to be. it can be money, or your work, or your cellphone. whatever takes your attention away from God, that's your idol. for me, it was my laptop.

and now that it's broken again, i concede.

i've been too stubborn for a long time now. red-neck, if you may say so.

in the office, i live like a gypsy--shuffling from one pc to another. it's more difficult i must admit, but then i brought it upon myself.

at least now, no more internet when i get home. just quiet time and reflection.

and it has brought tremendous results-- i'm more grateful for the little blessings, and less bitter towards my world.

maybe i should keep my laptop broken for a while.

how about you? what's your isaac?



I picked this up from a book I'm reading.

It may be disturbing for others, but I find it quite enlightening.

Let me share. The author, Cesar Castellanos, writes:

I was praying for a woman who came to me because she and her family were having financial problems and couldn't understand the reason why.

When I asked the Lord to bless her and help her with her finances the Holy Spirit showed me what was happening in the spiritual realm. I saw Satan presenting an accusation against her before God. I saw the sin she had committed and Satan was asking God for 3 things in her life for that sin:

  • her life to destroy it
  • the lives of her husband and sons to destroy them
  • their finances to ruin them

The Lord said, "The only thing I allow you to touch and only for a short period of time is their finances." I told the woman, "Your problem is simpler than you can imagine."

When I told her what God had showed me she was surprised and said, "I now understand why my son had an accident a few days ago and he was unharmed. It was because God was compassionate and merciful." Paul said, "...having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He ahs taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross" (Colossians 2:14)
Many people are ignorant of the fact that sin by itself brings damnation.

Lesson I learned? Confess up.

the only way to cleanse all past sins is to realize that all those arguments were cancelled by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on Calvary.
'aint that something?