all by yourself and celebrating your birthday in another town?
it seems Vigan has become a favorite spot. for my friends, at least. Mcar is the second friend i hosted who celebrated her birthday in our quaint town.
after showing her around town, we decided to hit the beach--Pug-os, Cabugao-- my favorite white sand beach in our side of the world.
we hitched with dad when he went farther north to attend meetings. not more than 20 minutes after we left the house, it started to drizzle.. and poured, til it drenched the roads.
not wanting to spoil our plans, mcar and i still stood by the ground to go beach-ineering. armed with an umbrella and our shared backpack, we headed the resort wondering what would become of us. we didn't let the gloomy weather get the best of us. while mulling over whether to conquer the waters or not, the resort waiters helpfully suggested that we won't freeze. being the hypothermic ? warm-blooded sun-worshipper that i am, i warmed up to the idea.
amidst the light shower, we crossed the shore and paddled our way to the ocean. and my, was i pleasantly surprised =D
here we were, in the middle of the sea, the cool rain trickling above our heads and over our faces while the lukewarm water envelopes our bodies. the water was at its stillest form, without the wind blowing over it to form waves. and just over the horizon, the sun was peeping behind the clouds trying to inch its way to give us even a hint of light.
it couldn't get any better than this!
and i was glad we came.

as the sun was setting, it created a soft peachy backdrop against our silhouettes. we capped our adventure with a cup of hot chocolate and a wedge of warm tuna melt sandwich. mmm-mm.
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