
{beautiful am i? i am beautiful}

30 years on earth and only two people have told me up front that i am beautiful. thanks to the Philippines' bias towards fair-skinned women, nobody even turns to take a second look at me.

this morning we had our usual bible study at the office and my sister surprised me when she revealed in our cell group how much she admired how i can keep a secret and keep my mouth shut specially in trying times. that, to her, is a beautiful thing.

a friend sms-ed:

"a truly beautiful person is one whose heart rests secure in God's love, who no longer seeks man's attention, but is concerned with what pleases her Maker."

then i remembered my favorite passage [I Peter 3:4]

Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special

-Contemporary English Version

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful, my dear ate. Ü You know that I'm a big fan of yours. Hihihi.