
sbf (single, brown, female)

what's the deal with being 27 and having no boyfriend at all?

why do people even appear surprised if i tell them i never had any?

with all the failed relationships i've seen come and go-- those sweet beginnings and bitter endings, and marriages gone sour, why even bother getting into one when sooner or later you know you'll end up broken-hearted?

don't get me wrong. i'm not bitter and have nothing against relationships at all. i myself even dream of one day being swept off my feet. i'm a believer of passion, intimacy, and all those romantic stuff. "it's better to be hurt and have loved, than not loved at all" they say. yes, i believe in that crap too, it's just that..people treat it as some status quo, which if you don't have one, you are considered other-worldly.

in fact, i am saddened with how superficial some people see it. relationship isn't something that you have to have to be in the norm.. i don't look for it to be considered "normal". one relative even thinks i'm lesbian because i tell her i'm still "unattached and available". haha. i laugh it off.

relationship is a major decision which i think should be treated as an investment. something that needs to be taken good care of. something that requires your time and energy. NOT something that you replace soon as you get tired and bored with your partner.

i am happy with who i am now. i am contented being single. i enjoy freedom and individuality at its best. what makes them think having a boyfriend will make me any happier? probably.. when the right person comes, i will be.

i like the song which goes "it is sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along." it gives me hope that in the vastness of the universe, there's always the "right one". that's why i make sure i'm not with someone else when he comes along.

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