
discovering dad

Since dad lacked organizing skills, he tasked me to sort through his files—real estate, vehicle properties, business magazines, and some work related documents found in between. Each paper I unearthed revealed some things I have not previously known. I discovered truths about the family business—
a number of them are common, and others shocking… even to the point that it hurts. It stings. Plain cruel. Labor complaints. Closures. And the like.

As I put myself in his shoes, I feel the pain. I imagine the sleepless nights he must have had—the turmoil of facing your employees and breaking the news.

That’s why I admire him. Never in my life have I seen him break down. He always has this happy countenance. He always looks at the positive side of things. I wish I was like him. See, I have pessimistic tendencies. But whenever I’m around him, he changes my perspective. Suddenly, this world becomes a little better place to live in.

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